Palo Verde College CTA

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

CTA Meeting Minutes
Oct. 17,2006

I. Opening of Meeting:
The regular meeting of the CTA was called to order at 4:05PM.

II. Approval of Minutes: In the Sept. 26,2006 CTA minutes part Ve. – delete the last sentence concerning Robert Robertson trying to find a 5th person to be on the Negotiations team. This was stated as an amendment to the Sept. 26,2006 minutes. This amendment was moved, seconded, approved by voice. With this correction the Sept. 26,2006 CTA minutes were moved, seconded, approved by voice.

III. Approval of Agenda: The Oct. 17,2006 agenda was moved, seconded, approved by voice.

IV. New Business: Refer to a one-page document entitled, “Sunshiny Proposals Negotiations, 2006-2007 For Agreement Expiring June 30,2007”. The motion to go over this document one part at a time was moved, seconded, approved by voice.
a. There was a brief discussion referring to IV. concerning 35 hours or less per week, peer evaluations not being completed, how to and if to administer student evaluations, and if all of this should be contained in the negotiations. There was a motion made concerning peer evaluation forms, student evaluation forms, and accountable hours. The motion to have the negotiations team discuss this was moved, seconded, approved by voice.
b. Salary was discussed. The items mentioned were having salaries being at least at the state average level, more summer and overload pay, 1/1000 rate for summer and overload, 8 more CTLC’s for CTA and 5 more for Senate, full time longevity for part time and non-credit instructors, and full COLA for 2007-2008. All of this was made into a motion which was moved, seconded, approved by voice. An amendment was then made which includes part timers, non-credit, and ADJUNCT instructors. This amendment was moved, seconded, approved by voice. With these additional items, the “Salary and Compensation” part may be negotiated. This was put into a motion which was moved, seconded, approved by voice.
c. Under “Benefits”, with the district cap raised to $15,000.00 the motion to negotiate “Benefits” was made. An amendment was made to add “II.g) Life insurance of $150,000.00/spousal benefits.”. This amendment was moved, seconded, approved by voice. Another amendment was made to II.f) which states that “to age 65” would be deleted and replaced with “until Medicade”. This amendment was moved, seconded, approved by voice. The original motion to approve the negotiations of “Benefits” with parts a) – g) and its amendments were moved, seconded, approved by voice.
d. Refer to “III. Hiring Policy”. A motion was made to include the hiring policy in the contract. An amendment to adopt the hiring policy as a part of the agreement was moved, seconded, approved by voice. With this amendment, the original motion to include the hiring policy as a part of the contract was moved, seconded, approved by voice. A motion to have part time parity was moved, seconded, approved by voice. A motion to have intellectual property rights was moved, seconded, approved by voice.
e. Barbara Gaubeca will organize a committee for part time faculty outreach and their needs. The motion for Barbara to do this was moved, seconded, approved by voice.
f. The motion to table announcements was moved, seconded, approved by voice.

V. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 5:10PM.
Members in attendance: R.M.Robertson, Sandra Sher, Leticia Guilin, Joe Boire, Earl Turner, Sioux Stoeckle, June Turner, Alejandro Garcia, T.M.Brown, Louise Gallan, Paul Shibalovich, Kevin Eoff, Bill Ponder, Peter Martinez, Carlos Medina, Brian Thiebaux, Joe Jondreau, Eric Wright, Chris Jones-Cage, Dennese Lilley-Edgerton, Biju Raman, Henry Rinaldi, Barbara Gaubeca, Bruce Wallace.

Minutes submitted by: Sandra Sher, Nov. 14,2006


Just a reminder. Tomorrow at 4 PM, we have a CTA meeting to discuss: a) whether the place a part-timer on our Exec Board; b) issues and approaches to negotiation issues involving non-teaching faculty; c) issues and approaches involving salary and compensation.

The point is to support our negotiators, to get a general sense of the issues, and to map out a range of possible approaches to getting as equitable a deal as possible.

I also wanted to announce that Ray Barney will be here for our follow-up meeting on Nov. 28 (likely to be our last meeting of the semester), specifically to workshop bargaining methodologies after we meet. Please plan on being there: Ray does a great teaching job, as many of you already know.

Here are three quotes to consider, with regard to negotiations:

“All politics are local,” –Tip O’Neill

“Politics is the art of the possible,”—Winton Churchill

“Politics, teaching, and psychoanalysis are the three impossible professions,”—Sigmund Freud

See you tomorrow!
R.M. Robertson

Friday, November 03, 2006

Agenda for CCA/CTA Meeting
Palo Verde Community College Association
Tuesday, November 14---4:00 PM-4:45 PM
CL 101

I. Call to Order
The President will call the meeting to order, and briefly outline the main topics for today’s meeting: a) shall we elect an at-large member to the Executive Board who represents part-time faculty? b) what are the bargaining issues concerning non-teaching faculty and fair compensation?

II. Approval of Minutes
The Minutes for the Oct. 17 meeting will be presented for discussion and approval.

III. Approval of Agenda
The Agenda for today’s meeting will be presented for discussion and approval.

IV. Nomination/Election of At-Large Member to Executive Board
As per the revised Constitution for the association, an at-large representative must be elected to the Executive Board. The question of part-time representation will be considered.

V. Sunshine Proposals: the First Two Issues
Non-teaching faculty issues include: a) accountable hours; b) peer, student, and, “clinical observation,” forms; c) job description. These will be presented for discussion, and consideration of bargaining options.

Compensation issues include: a) current faculty salary rankings with regard to State averages; b) COLA for 2007-2008; c) further salary schedule revisions; d) overload/summer salary; e) part-time and non-credit salary parity. After a presentation of current figures and possible salary schedule options by William Ponder, the membership will discuss bargaining options.

VI. Announcements
Date of Ray Barney’s workshop on negotiations.
Negotiations/Grievance Committee Reports
Newsletter, and “Blogspot,” on PVC website.
Reminders: contractual days and scheduling; Accreditation is a CTA issue.
Request for assistance in negotiations preparation: what are you prepared to do?
Next meeting: Tuesday, November 28, 4:00-4:45 PM.

VII. Adjournment

R.M. Robertson, President
Irma Dagnino, Vice President
Sandy Sher, Secretary
Doretha Jones, Treasurer

Thursday, November 02, 2006

REEP Strategic Planning Meeting (11/1/06)

Well, I was AT the Strategic Planning meeting for REEP yesterday from 9 to 3 or so, and I didn't even win a door prize.

However, the fresh croissant and the soy/ginger beef with grilled asparagus for lunch were much appreciated...then they threw us out, of course, but it was nice.

More to the point, the Strategic P. meet makes it clear that the debate between, "individual responsibility," and, "social justice," camps continues in health care...

Basically, plans that talk about "choice," put the load on individuals ("Tastes great!!"), while plans emphasizing company and government contributions ("Less filling!!") use language about social structues.

There's a nice discussion of the limits of this sort of either/or thinking--morality vs. structure--in Cornell West's, "Race Matters..." another in a "New Yorker," of last year, and another take still in the latest, "News and World Report."

So that's the theory. In practice, it has to do with questions like this: if a generic drug is exactly the same clinically, and you don't have any problem with it other than the fact that it' much should your health insurance (and in the end, your colleagues) pay if you decide that you don't care if it's the same, you want the brand name drug anyway?

No -30-